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Friday, March 26, 2010
Devotional Friday - "As Different As Night And Day"
"As Different As Night And Day" by Pastor Rick Klueg from The Baptist Church of Northville
for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness;
I once worked third shift , and I never really got used to it. My mind and body could just not adjust to working at night and sleeping during daylight. I would come home, sleep for a couple hours, and then wake up and not be able to get back to sleep. As you can imagine, this pattern did not make for a healthy lifestyle! Even though modern technology has given us excellent artificial light, it is still most natural to be active during the daytime and passive at night. The Lord Jesus drew a spiritual application from this reality, telling us, As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work .What does it mean, then, to be sons of light and sons of day?
The concept of light is used in the Bible as a metaphor of both intellectual and moral perfections. Daytime is the normal time to be active because that is when we can see clearly enough to work. Daylight enables us to have a clear knowledge of our surroundings. Likewise, a person who has God in his life is aware of the spiritual realities necessary for salvation and godliness. He is aware of the true God, he knows the Bible to be His Word, He sees his own guilt, and knows about the salvation that comes through the cross of Christ. To be sons of light, then, means to have a clear knowledge of such important and necessary divine truths. (Cf. John 3:20-21; Acts 26:18).
Light also implies moral purity. The Bible describes the believer’s transformed life as a matter of light: For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) (Ephesians 5:8-9). In a passage calling believers to turn away from sin, the apostle John teaches us that God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. Since God is perfectly pure, we are to walk in the light, as he is in the light (1 John 1:5,7).
Notice that today’s verse says of Christians that we are all sons of light and sons of day. The distinction between the Christian and the unsaved is as different as night and day. When God saved us, He made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ (2 Corinthians 4:6). It is up to us, now, to make sure that this spiritual reality is increasingly evident in our lives, as we walk in true knowledge and holiness.
Biblical Doctrine: Soteriology – Salvation brings with it an ever-increasing degree of true knowledge and holiness.
My Responsibility: Live as a son of the light!
Question: How does this all relate to the fact that the Lord Jesus called believers the light of the world (Matthew 5:14)?
Prayer: I pray that the day might dawn and the morning star rise in my heart! (2 Peter 1:19).
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Teen Thursday - We Need To Be Content
The Teens have their own blog now! Our Generation Seeking Him. Every author is a teen seeking God and wanting to encourage other teens while sharing their experiences as Christians. So I thought that I would post part of one of their posts here every week. Don't worry about missing Shelby, she is one of the authors!
This post was written by Krystl for "During 'Home School 101'", which is about being a Christian home schooled teen.
We Need To Be Content
Have you ever wondered why God has you as a home schooler?
Do you ever wish sometimes that you could just be a normal kid and go to school like everyone else?
One thing I've definitely been going through as a home schooler is I always wished that I could go to school. I always want to know why God has me in this position. I would always ask, "God why do you have me as a home schooler? Wouldnt it be better if I went to school so I could witness to people about you?"
to read the rest of this great post click here.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Truth Wednesday - Adversity
Truth Wednesday
Psalm 119:67 "Before I was afflicted I went astray, but no I keep Your word."
Charles Stanley shares these thoughts on this:
Believers have a choice about how they will respond to life's tempests. either they can cast blame while becoming resentful and bitter, or they can turn to the Lord and ask, "What is Your purpose?" God wants to use adversity to draw us to Himself. If we respond to ti in faith, out affliction becomes a bridge to a deeper relationship with Him.
I must be "truthful" and tell you that this is very hard for me to do. I KNOW what I am suppose to do, but my flesh more times than not gets the best of me.
Three years ago, my mother, who has emphysema, was put on a ventilator, after so many days, it was time to put a trach in as she was not weening off the machine fast enough. They wheeled her down to the OR. Within a minute, the speaker system announced "Code Blue, Code Blue OR Room 4". Her nurse came to get me and we went to the OR. They revived her. And then five minutes later I heard the same announcement. The OR nurse brought me to the OR room door, in case I wanted to say "good bye".
I was pregnant, and alone, as it was the worst snow storm that winter, and our whole county as shut down! I remember praying , on me knees the OR waiting room bathroom, "Oh God, not now. How will I survive? (I am an only child) I am not ready yet."
I could have screamed at God and shook my fist at Him. I didn't. Those moments I KNEW He was with me, in control, carrying me. I felt His presence. He sent people to me, to aid me. Nurses who sat with me, friends who talked with me and prayed with me. I did not feel bitterness or resentment.
That was the worst time of my life, the hardest adversity for me.
Members of my family do not speak to me because I told the "truth" about their behavior. I was recently excluded from a baby shower because of it. I am struggling with resentment and bitterness. Trying very hard to not let that seed grow in my heart.
How "important" was the baby shower compared to the possibility of losing my mom?
Is it the same for all Christians? To me, logically, funny I know since my logic and God's are NOT the same, I should have had the resentment over my mother instead. The "larger" of the two incidents.
Oh, what makes us tick?!
What about you? What situations do you find resentment and bitterness grow in you, instead of letting it be used to grow closer to the Lord?
Side note: My mother did not die that night. She was 98 pounds, at that time, and they performed CPR on her twice. She survived with not ONE broken rib! No lasting brain damage! God's hand was all over her that night...and me.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Prayerful Tuesday
Prayerful Tuesday
"Shying Away from Greatness"
"Because your sins are so many and your hostility so great, the prophet is considered a fool, the inspired man a maniac." Hosea 9:7
I want to express myslf, Lord I want to be free of all inhibitions, negative self-talk, and the fear of how other people view me. How many times have I squelched something that is of You because I did not want to be viewed as a maniac, a fool? I believe You speak to us in a language that somtimes is wild and out-of-the-box. After all, You created the world beyond the box that we have created for ouseleves.
Let me fly high ith a sense of song and creation. Give me the courage to be inspired. Encourage in me the blossoming of more ideas, more adventures, and more life.
(from the "One-Minute Prayers from the Bible")
Please share your prayer requests, you can do them anonymously, or leave them on the Fan Page on Facebook. Let's be prayer warriors for each other today!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Music For The Heart Monday
Music For The Heart Monday
I love MercyMe and Bart Millard's voice. The first time I heard this, I loved it. I always loved the song, but the way he does it is awesome. I hope you enjoy.
This song is so wonderful, and I always imagine being in a room with all of these people, and we are all singing this, lifting our voices in praise to our Father. How awesome would that be?
Give me those "eagle's wings"!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Soulful Sunday - "Lies Women Believe" About Themselves Part 2
Soulful Sunday - "Lies Women Believe" by Nancy Leigh DeMoss
About Themselves Part 2 - " I Need To Learn To Love Myself"
"You need to love yourself" is the world's prescription for those who are plagued with a sense of worthlessness. As with much deception, the lies represented in advertisements are not the polar opposite of the Truth; rather, they are distortions of the Truth.
According to God's Word, the Truth is that we were created in the image of God, that He loves us, and that we are precious to Him. However, we do not bestow that worth on ourselves. Nor do we experience the fullness of God's love by telling ourselves how lovable we are.
To the contrary, Jesus taught that it is in losing our lives that we find our lives. The message of self-love put people on a lonely, one-way path to misery.
How often have we heard someone say, "I've never liked myself," or "She just can't love herself"? According to the Scripture, the Truth is that we do love ourselves --immensely. When Jesus tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves, the point is not that we need to learn to love ourselves so that we can love others. Jesus is saying we need to give others the same attention and care we naturally give ourselves.
The fact is, we do not hate ourselves, nor do we need to learn to love ourselves. We need to learn to deny ourselves, so we can do that which comes naturally - to truly love God and others. Our problem isn't so much a "poor self-image" as it is a "poor God-image".
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So Far This Week:
I have run across many people who are having a hard time commenting or finding where they are to comment on the posts. They want to share their prayer requests or music videos and can't. I am hoping this will be easier. From now on, I will add the new day and the new day's topic to the home page post. Just click on the word "HERE" and it will take you to the post with the comment box already up and you will be able to see comments other people have shared. I am praying this will be easier for everyone. If not, we can go back to the old way.
Soulful Sunday - "Lies Women Believe" - About Themselves-Part 2- I Need To Learn To Love Myself. To see this post, Click HERE
Music for the Heart and Soul - Come and share your favorite Christan music and listen to others as we worship God! To see this post, click HERE
Prayer Requests - "Shying Away From Greatness". Let's be prayer warriors for each other today. To see this post, click HERE
Let' Talk Truth- Adversity is the topic this week. To see this post, click HERE
Devotions -
Let's Share -
Soulful Sunday - "Lies Women Believe" - About Themselves-Part 2- I Need To Learn To Love Myself. To see this post, Click HERE
Music for the Heart and Soul - Come and share your favorite Christan music and listen to others as we worship God! To see this post, click HERE
Prayer Requests - "Shying Away From Greatness". Let's be prayer warriors for each other today. To see this post, click HERE
Let' Talk Truth- Adversity is the topic this week. To see this post, click HERE
Devotions -
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